If you also face a communication problem inside your Sailfish SDK, between QtCreator and MerSDK and Emulator you may be interested by the following information.
Problem :
On a QtCreator side, it well spots the MerSDK and Emulator as launched but it says the following when trying to communicate by SSH with the Emulator :
Could not connect to host: Timeout waiting for reply from server.
That’s surely caused by some DNS problem, Ubuntu 12.10 is the right candidate for this kind of bug, especially if you changed your DNS configuration recently (new network card, new wifi hotspot)…
First, read the following : SDK Alpha Known Issues
Then, check that page (Ubuntu only) : Ubuntu 12.10 DNS
You can also take a look to the following : Enabling DNS proxy in NAT mode
To ensure that the host DNS settings will not mess up with the inner communication of the Sailfish SDK, please consider the following.
In a terminal on your host, type :
SSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/mer-qt-creator-rsa root@localhost
Then use vim (or vi) to enable “UseDNS no” line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Second, on the emulator, type right CTRL + F2, log into root & nemo as password, type the “loadkeys XX” to adapt the keyboard layout.
Then use vim (or vi) to enable “UseDNS no” line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Thanks to “lbt” on IRC. To conclude, I will refer to his words:
99% sure the VBoxManage is the correct solution. I’ll use NoDNS too since it will prevent any issues with ssh in odd situations such as a network outage that makes DNS available but very slow.
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